

First of all I would like to mentioned that every single group have done a fantastic job even though it was a really hard and long task. All of us have thought different ideas which could be, in a future, excellent proposals to carry out in schools.

Well, I am going to write my reviews of the rest of the groups.

At the beginning of the presentation they showed us all their personal commitments and the results of what and how they carried out them. It was an idea that our group forgot to introduce in the presentation, and they tried to show to the rest of the class that every single person has done the same effort and task of the project. What they showed us was that they did an equal assignment. 

It was a very good idea to focus the project on what students think about what it is an ideal school in their opinions. At the beginning ,they start mention  the idea of introduce new cultures (multiculturalism) and the factor of the immigration which nowadays it´s an important point in the society. 

They mention the structure of the schools and also of the class, where students would be located in groups where they could work together involving everyone and working better. 

About learning models and methodologies they talked about social constructivism that was developed by Vygotsky. It said that students construct meaning through the interactions and the meaningful learning is create when individuals are engaged in social activities. They also talk in the video about cooperative learning and inclusive education, which both ideas where studied in class.

They also have  introduced in their project one interesting aspect that we have learnt in psychology. Resilience that it is the capacity of people to face difficult situations of their lives. 

An important aspect that Educational League talk about it in the video is the idea of leadership. They explain that there are different types of leadership like authoritarian, the “laissez faire”, and the democratic. 

Finally I think it was a good idea to mention a coexistence plan (KiVa) for dealing with bullying at school, the participation of families with a project called “Entre Todos” and also the use of ICT´s for helping students with disabilities.

Some things that they can improve for next projects are for example to deepen explaining how and why they want the school in one or another way. 

Congratulations for doing a really good job! :)

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